Course/Program Delivery Preferences:
An Overview of Students’ Surveys and Institutional Responses
This repository provides access to publicly available survey reports related to Canadian post-secondary students’ learning modality preferences and experiences.
Browse the repository with the search feature or sort each column alphabetically by clicking the column heading and follow the survey link to access the PDF report.
Region | Institution Type | Institution Name | Year | Survey Link | Themes | Uni Acronym |
British Columbia | University | Simon Fraser University | 2023 | Fall 2023 Undergraduate Student Survey: Report of Findings | Online learning, student preference, barriers to online learning, asynchronous, synchronous, hybrid. | SFU |
British Columbia | University | Simon Fraser University | 2022 | Fall 2022 Undergraduate Student Survey: Report of Findings | Online learning, student preferences, blended learning, barriers to online learning, synchronous, asynchronous, time commitments to online learning. | SFU |
British Columbia | University | Simon Fraser University | 2021 | Fall 2021 Undergraduate Student Survey: Report of Findings | SFU | |
British Columbia | University | Simon Fraser University | 2020 | Fall 2020 Undergraduate Student Survey: Report of Findings | COVID-19, transition to online learning, student satisfaction, online learning and socialization. | SFU |
British Columbia | University | University of British Columbia | 2022 | Undergraduate Experience Survey 2022 | Student preference, difficulties with online learning, synchronous, technical difficulties accessing online learning. | UBC |
British Columbia | University | University of British Columbia | 2021 | Undergraduate Experience Survey 2021 | Workload in online compared to pre-pandemic, synchronous, face-to-face, student preferences, participation issues, difficulties with online learning, technical challenges, academic integrity, impact of COVID-19 on mental health. | UBC |
British Columbia | University | University of British Columbia Okanagan | 2022 | Undergraduate Experience Survey 2022 | Student preference, difficulties with online learning, synchronous, technical difficulties accessing online learning. | UBCO, UBC-O |
British Columbia | University | University of British Columbia Okanagan | 2021 | Undergraduate Experince Survey 2021 | UBCO, UBC-O | |
British Columbia | Province Wide | British Columbia Council of Admissions and Transfer | 2023 | Online Delivery Trends: Online, Hybrid, and Multi-Access Learning and Teaching in British Columbia: Post-Pandemic Trends and Intentions | Delivery trends since COVID-19, faculty perspective, online learning and EDI, decolonization. | BCCAT |
Alberta | University | University of Calgary | 2020 | Graduate Students Association: Fall 2020 Survey | Student preferences, online, in-person, blended, technical impacts. | U of C, UCalgary, UofC |
Alberta | University | Mount Royal University | 2021 | Winter 2021: Student COVID Impact Survey Results | Online experiences, COVID-19, mental health, challenges with online learning, online instruction, learning support services, hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous, participation in online forums, experiences of student with disabilities taking online classes, tech supports for indigenous students. | MRU |
Alberta | University | Mount Royal University | 2020 | Fall 2020 Student COVID Impact Survey | COVID-19 impact on online learning, mental health, exam taking, online vs. face-to-face, online assessments, challenges with group work. | MRU |
Alberta | University | Mount Royal University | 2021/22 | Course Delivery at Canadian Universities in 2021/22 | COVID-19, student preferences, types of online delivery. | MRU |
Alberta | University | Mount Royal University | 2021 | The Canadian Student Experience During COVID-19 | Online synchronous, asynchronous, face-to-face. | MRU |
Ontario | University | University of Toronto | 2020/21 | Online Learning and Teaching During the Pandemic: Engineering Students’ Perspectives in 2020-2021 | Student engagement, COVID-19, mental health, online learning. | UToronto, U of T, UofT |
Ontario | University | University of Western Ontario | 2021 | Lessons from zoom-university: Post-secondary student consequences and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic—A focus group study | COVID-19, upper and lower level student experiences with online learning, interpersonal challenges, accessibility. | UWO |
Ontario | University | York University | 2020 | Blended Learning in STEM and Non-STEM Courses: How do Student Performance and Perceptions Compare? | Blended learning, online learning, face-to-face learning, STEM, student performance. | YorkU, YU |
Ontario | Province Wide | Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance | 2020 | Quaility-Results from the 2020 Undergraduate Student Survey | COVID-19, satisfaction with online learning, safety of online spaces, low income, Indigenous students, racialized students, students with disabilities, two spirit and LGBTQ+, international students, mature students, accessibility and quality of online material, use of online learning materials, quality of online learning compared to face-to-face. | OUSA |
Ontario | Province Wide | Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance | 2020 | Accessibility, results form the 2020 Undergraduate Survey | COVID-19, access to online learning in rural settings, experiences of international students during COVID-19 related to online learning. | OUSA |
Ontario | Province Wide | Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance | 2020/21 | Post-Pandemic Pedagogies: What COVID-19 Can Teach Us About Blended, Distance, and Emergency Online Learning in Tomorrow’s World | Emergency online learning, blended learning, pre-pandemic, quality of learning opportunities, online assessment, access to online systems, mental health. | OUSA |
Ontario | Province Wide | Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario | 2020/21 | Ontario Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Ontario First-year Postsecondary Students in 2020–21 | COVID-19, effects of forced online learning, mental health, student preferences, access to internet and technology, academic success, online preferences for stem students, hybrid learning, socio-economic factors. | HEQCO |
Ontario | Province Wide | Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario | 2020 | Improving the Accessibility of Remote Higher Education: Lessons from the Pandemic and Recommendations | COVID-19, accessibility of remote learning, students with disabilities accessing online learning, course design, technology supports, comparing online to face-to-face learning, access to technology, preferences of students with mobility barriers. | HEQCO |
Ontario | Province Wide | Canadian Digital Learning Research Association | 2023 | A Time of Digital Transformation: Digital Learning Trends in Ontario PostSecondary Education 2023 Ontario Report | Technology infrastructure, adapting to online learning, faculty training, online/hybrid learning, digital learning challenges experienced by faculty, inclusion of students with disabilities. | CDLRA |
Ontario | Province Wide | Canadian Digital Learning Research Association | 2022 | Looking Ahead to the Future of Post-Secondary Education | Impact of COVID-19 on online learning, student preferences, faculty burnout, training support, online vs. hybrid vs. in-person, success rates for students with disabilities, predicted future treads, preferences of international and domestic. | CDLRA |
Nova Scotia | Province Wide | Bureau of Economic Research | 2020 | The Impact of COVID-19 on Student Experiences and Expectations: Evidence From a Survey | COVID-19, academic effects of online learning. | NBER |
New Brunswick | University | Mount Allison University | 2020 | Student Engagement Across Course Teaching Modalities | Student engagement, COVID-19, learning modalities, in-person engagement, instructional tools. | Mount A, MtA |
Yukon | College | Yukon College | 2021 | Yukon University Student Survey Results: 2021 | Online learning preference and experiences, online learning connection, quality of experience, challenges, comfort of online compared to face-to-face, improvement to online learning, barriers. | YukonU |
Canada | Country Wide | Canadian University Survey Consortium | 2021/22 | Course Delivery at Canadian Universities | Online synchronous, asynchronous, face-to-face, hybrid. | CUSC |
Canada | Country Wide | Canadian University Survey Consortium | 2021/22 | 2022 First Year Students Survey Master Report | First year students’ satisfaction with online learning, asynchronous, synchronous, hybrid, online assessment experiences, satisfaction, COVID-19, age of students related to online classes. | CUSC |
Canada | Country Wide | Canadian University Survey Consortium | 2020/21 | 2021 Graduating Student Survey Master Report | Method of instruction. | CUSC |
Canada | Country Wide | Canadian Digital Learning Research Association | 2021 | The Canadian Student Experience during COVID-19 | Online synchronous, asynchronous, face-to-face. | CDLRA |
Canada | Country Wide | Canadian Digital Learning Research Association | 2024 | 2024 Pan-Canadian Report on Digital Learning | Expected tech use, types of tech, reasons students chose online learning, operational challenges, confidence in different teaching modalities. | CDLRA |
Canada | Country Wide | Canadian Digital Learning Research Association | 2023 | An Increasing Demand for Technology Use in Teaching and Learning: 2023 Pan-Canadian Report on Digital Learning Trends in Canadian Post-Secondary Education | Preferences and trends in online learning, in-person, hybrid, growth of online delivery, technology used to facilitate online learning, competencies of educators with online technology, faculty online modality preferences, perceived student attitudes about online learning, academic integrity, professional development, EDI, digital classroom experiences. | CDLRA |
Canada | Country Wide | Canadian Digital Learning Research Association | 2021 | 2021 National Report: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic | COVID-19, growth in online learning, students responses to online learning during the pandemic, online community building, hybrid and online delivery options, responses to student feedback. | CDLRA |